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Here are some post-tooth extraction care instructions for children that parents or guardians can follow:

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1.Take Care of the Draw Area:

  • Cotton swab:After the draw,the doctor will usually put cotton on the cut to reduce bleeding .Make sure the child bites the cotton for 30 to 40 minutes to help stop the bleeding

  • Avoid touching .Do not let children touching or licking the plucked area.This reduce the risk of infection.

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2. Prevent Bad Breath

Brushing your teeth regularly, including brushing your tongue, helps eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath (halitosis).


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3. Food and Drink:

  • Soft foods: In the first 24 hours, give soft, cool foods such as yogurt, ice cream, or cold soup. Avoid hard, hot, spicy, or acidic foods as they can irritate the extraction site.

  • Avoid straws: Do not let children use straws to drink for the first 24 hours as suction can cause a blood clot at the extraction site to break loose (dry socket)

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4. Pain Management:

  • Pain relievers: If necessary, give pain relievers as recommended by your doctor or dentist. Do not give medications that are not recommended by a professional.

  • Cool the external area: You can place an ice pack or a cold wet cloth on the cheek on the outside of the extraction site to help reduce swelling or pain.

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5. Avoid Damage to Blood Clots:

  • Avoid gargling or spitting: On the first day, avoid gargling or spitting vigorously as this can dislodge the blood clot and slow down healing.

  • Be careful when brushing your teeth: Make sure your child brushes their teeth carefully, especially around the extraction area, to avoid infection.

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6. Light Bleeding:

  • If light bleeding occurs after removing the cotton, place a clean cotton ball or gauze pad on the removed area and bite gently to stop the bleeding.

7. Save on Dental Treatment Costs

By preventing dental problems in the first place, you can avoid high dental treatment costs, such as root canal treatment or dentures.

Daily Dental Care Steps:

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste

  2. Use floss to clean food debris in between your teeth.

  3. Gargle with antibacterial mouthwash.

  4. Limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods.

  5. Visit your dentist regularly (every 6 months).

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By following these aftercare instructions, the healing process after a tooth extraction should go smoothly. Don't hesitate to contact your dentist if you have any concerns or complications.

Get well soon.