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Root canal treatment is used to save teeth which would otherwise need to be removed. It is done by removing the infected pulp (soft tissue inside the tooth containing blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue). The pulp becomes inflamed or diseased, due to the result of trauma, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, a crack or chip in the tooth, or dental caries.

Endodontic Treatment for Children

Endodontic treatment removes the pulp of a tooth which contains blood vessels that give the tooth oxygen and nutrients. When the pulp is injured or infected, endodontic treatment is often done to try to save the tooth. Endodontic treatment can be done in adult (permanent) or baby (primary) teeth. Your dentist will suggest fixing them unless they are deemed to fall out soon. Baby teeth are important for chewing, speaking and maintaining space for the permanent teeth to erupt.

At what age is suitable for children to do a root canal treatment?

At any age between 5-12 years old. Baby teeth typically are shed between the ages of 6 and 12 years. Yet there are some good reasons for trying to save baby teeth for as long as possible with root canal treatment, rather than simply extracting any that are damaged by trauma or infection.

Your child may need an endodontic treatment if he or she:

Root Canal Treatment in Adults

Root Canal Treatment (known as “Endodontic Treatment”) involves the treatment of diseased or injured dental pulp (known as nerve in the tooth). This nerve is located in the very center of the tooth in a small narrow ‘canal space’ which extends from the crown to the tip of the root. If the nerve is injured or diseased then it can die and this often leads to sensitivity, toothache or a dental abscess. It can also lead to the tooth actually discoloring.

Root canal treatment saves teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. It involves removing the damaged or dead nerve tissues and pus in the root canals of teeth that have become infected. The infected or dead tissue is cleaned away and the residual canal space is also cleaned and disinfected, and the root canal is prepared so that it can be sealed with a root filling. The tooth can then be restored and can remain in function for many years provided there is sufficient sound tooth structure to support a new filling or crown.

What is a root canal treatment (RCT)?

When the pulp of a tooth becomes badly damaged by decay, multiple or deep restorations, or trauma it may have to be removed in order to retain the tooth.

What indicates a root canal treatment (RCT)?

What are the symptoms that root canal therapy is needed?