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Oral surgery is the area of medicine concerned with correcting problems or damage to the mouth, teeth and jaw.

Minor Oral Surgery

Dentists can do a large number of surgical interventions in the mouth. The term "Minor oral surgery" refers to smaller operations and include removing wisdom teeth, impacted teeth, and severely broken-down teeth, as well as apicectomies, biopsies and other procedures.

Procedures are usually carried out using routine local anaesthesia. Patients requiring treatment under general anaesthesia will be referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at the relevant hospital.

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What are the symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth?

Symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth typically includes pain and swelling of the gums. If left untreated infection is possible, only intensifying the pain. Skipping trips to the dentist may lead to problems caused by impacted wisdom teeth.

Does everyone need their wisdom teeth removed?

How long is the recovery after wisdom tooth removal?